Friday, November 30, 2007

Trenton Allen Lyon

Oh, what a cuttie! Trenton was born on August 10th, he weighed 7lbs 6oz. What a great day (just very thankful for all the drugs i was given at the hospital)!!! After many long hours Trenton finally came- we are so happy to have him. He has got so big I can't believe it. He has the chubbiest checks- they are so kissable!!

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Crystal, this is gwen (natalies cousin) I'm stalking you through her blog! Congratulations on such a sweetheart! I can't believe you are a mom! It seems like just yesterday that we saw you at Nat's wedding and you were just engaged! Time really does fly by! It's good to see you are doing well. Trenton is absolutely adorable! Isn't being a mom the best!!!